Babchi is also known as Psoralea Corylifolia and Bakuchi is an Ayurvedic herb for blood purification and skin health, The oil of Babchi is extracted from its seeds. in Ayurvedic medicine, It is used as a cardiac tonic, pigment remover, and vasodilator.
Psoralea Oil improves hair growth and skin complexion, improve the color of skin (including removing white spots), hair and nails.
It is good for heart troubles, purgative, stomachic, anthelmintic, vulnerary, stimulant and cures blood related troubles, useful in treatment of vomiting, piles, bronchitis, inflammation, anemia, vitiligo, leprosy, leucoderma, white leprosy, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin diseases and febrile conditions.
Bakuchi oil is an effective home remedy for skin. Applying Bakuchi oil mixed with coconut oil helps reduce inflammatory reactions on skin due to anti-inflammatory property.